For use with Sky™ and Sky+™ receivers where control is required from another room.
RTB - 12 Months
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For use with Sky™ and Sky+™ receivers where control is required from another room. New ultra compact remote eye designed for mounting discreetly on the frame of LCD, LED an plasma screens. Also suitable for standard TVs.
The RF2 output on digital satellite receivers is designed to accept infra-red remote control commands sent in reverse from remote viewing location(s). This allows a remote digital satellite viewer the convenience of full control of the satellite receiver.
- Includes adhesive pad for mounting on frames of LCD and plasma screens
- Provides full remote control of satellite receiver using reverse path over coax cable t RF2 output
- Fully electronic interface at receiver
- No infra-red emitter buttons or pyramids required
- Powered by satellite receiver - no additional power supply required
- Compatible with all satellite receivers with 9V RF2 output
- Ensure these products are used with non-isolated outlet plates